Dolors Bramon (Banyoles, 1943) is a Catalan philologist. Doctor in Philosophy and literature (section of Semitic Philology) and in geography and history at the University of Barcelona, he is associate professor at the Department of Semitic Philology (section of Arabic and Islamic Studies) of the University of Barcelona.
He is a member of the Association of Writers in the Catalan language (AELC), of the Catalan Society of Hebrew Studies, from the Institute of Catalan Studies from the 1996, of the Groupe International d'étude et de reflexiones sur les Femmes en Islam (GIERFI) and of the Foro de Investigación sobre el Mundo Árabe y Musulmán (FIMAM), among other institutions.
She is president of the Association World University Service of the Mediterranean (WUSMED)
Today DOLORS BRAMON , gives us an entry through the blog of the Kassumay Foundation, with an issue that does not have a direct relationship with the foundation but is always present and is underlying in our relations with the communities to which we support them.
The practice of Ramadan consists of the prohibition that enters anything into the body of adult Muslim and healthy spirit and body during the hours of sunlight of the days of Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar or Hijra. That is, in the abstention of food, drinking, smoking and having sex as "can distinguish a white thread of a black", according to the text of the Koran, sacred Book of the Muslims.
Some faithful also include the prohibition of smoking, the shower or the bathroom. The sacred Text of Islam very well details the reason for this precept and how it should be observed:
Believers! You have been prescribed fasting in the same way that was done to those that precede [...] But if any of you are sick or traveling, it will observe an equal number of days. Those who, may, not do so, may replace it by giving food to a poor [...] During the month of Ramadan the Koran was lowered as a guide for the men. Who of you see the growing [of the New Moon] that begins. Who is sick or traveling, make it an equal number of other days. God wants for you what is easy and not what is difficult '
(Koran, 2:183-187)
As we have just seen that specified in the quotation above, it is necessary the visual observation (Ru'ya) of the new moon of Ramadan month to determine its onset, so that can not be used for such an end astronomical calculations. Similarly, it has been interpreted in terms of fixing its final. This means that some months longer or shorter – but with a maximum gap margin of three days – in case the nebulosity is extended and prevents the view of the corresponding lunar crescent in both cases.
The daytime abstention of the Ramadan can not be equated – nor, therefore, translated – to the fast prescribed by other religions. It is noteworthy that it differs from the dejunes of Judaism and Christianity in the fact that in Islam it is not related to the affliction of the soul nor the contrition. It consists essentially in a struggle of believers to overcome themselves and in Arabic is called Jihadu L-nafs, i.e., "Jihad of the Spirit".
For this reason, at the end of the daytime prohibition hours, which begins when the dark comes, there is a first meal (Iftar) in which we usually consume special delicacies, typical of a party. Likewise, at the end of the month, it takes place a celebration (Cidu L-Fitr or Cidu L-sagir) of twinning and collective reminder of the universality of Islam and commemorates the victory given by each faithful against one's own body, the jewel of having overcome the senses and have succeeded in imitating the Angels, who have no passions.
It is then when families tend to visit themselves and make gifts, or spend a few days on annual holidays. Among other things, throughout the month of Ramadan change the working schedules (usually fold one hour before usual) and the rhythm of the life of Islamic cities.
All first, and until it was revealed in the city of Medina la Sura number 2 of the Koran, Islam only stipulated the duty of a fasting during the twenty-four hours of the day ten of the first month of the Islamic calendar, similarly to that which is prescribed (Leviticus, 16:29) to the Jews on the 10th day of their Tishrí month (Yom Kippur War or "Day of the Atonement").
By Distaning himself from the Jews, the Prophet Muhammad continued recommending his practice, which is celebrated during the feast called the box, but will take the obligation of a special month for the Muslims.
He is a member of the Association of Writers in the Catalan language (AELC), of the Catalan Society of Hebrew Studies, from the Institute of Catalan Studies from the 1996, of the Groupe International d'étude et de reflexiones sur les Femmes en Islam (GIERFI) and of the Foro de Investigación sobre el Mundo Árabe y Musulmán (FIMAM), among other institutions.
She is president of the Association World University Service of the Mediterranean (WUSMED)
Today DOLORS BRAMON , gives us an entry through the blog of the Kassumay Foundation, with an issue that does not have a direct relationship with the foundation but is always present and is underlying in our relations with the communities to which we support them.
The practice of Ramadan consists of the prohibition that enters anything into the body of adult Muslim and healthy spirit and body during the hours of sunlight of the days of Ramadan, which is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar or Hijra. That is, in the abstention of food, drinking, smoking and having sex as "can distinguish a white thread of a black", according to the text of the Koran, sacred Book of the Muslims.
Some faithful also include the prohibition of smoking, the shower or the bathroom. The sacred Text of Islam very well details the reason for this precept and how it should be observed:
Believers! You have been prescribed fasting in the same way that was done to those that precede [...] But if any of you are sick or traveling, it will observe an equal number of days. Those who, may, not do so, may replace it by giving food to a poor [...] During the month of Ramadan the Koran was lowered as a guide for the men. Who of you see the growing [of the New Moon] that begins. Who is sick or traveling, make it an equal number of other days. God wants for you what is easy and not what is difficult '
(Koran, 2:183-187)
As we have just seen that specified in the quotation above, it is necessary the visual observation (Ru'ya) of the new moon of Ramadan month to determine its onset, so that can not be used for such an end astronomical calculations. Similarly, it has been interpreted in terms of fixing its final. This means that some months longer or shorter – but with a maximum gap margin of three days – in case the nebulosity is extended and prevents the view of the corresponding lunar crescent in both cases.
The daytime abstention of the Ramadan can not be equated – nor, therefore, translated – to the fast prescribed by other religions. It is noteworthy that it differs from the dejunes of Judaism and Christianity in the fact that in Islam it is not related to the affliction of the soul nor the contrition. It consists essentially in a struggle of believers to overcome themselves and in Arabic is called Jihadu L-nafs, i.e., "Jihad of the Spirit".
For this reason, at the end of the daytime prohibition hours, which begins when the dark comes, there is a first meal (Iftar) in which we usually consume special delicacies, typical of a party. Likewise, at the end of the month, it takes place a celebration (Cidu L-Fitr or Cidu L-sagir) of twinning and collective reminder of the universality of Islam and commemorates the victory given by each faithful against one's own body, the jewel of having overcome the senses and have succeeded in imitating the Angels, who have no passions.
It is then when families tend to visit themselves and make gifts, or spend a few days on annual holidays. Among other things, throughout the month of Ramadan change the working schedules (usually fold one hour before usual) and the rhythm of the life of Islamic cities.
All first, and until it was revealed in the city of Medina la Sura number 2 of the Koran, Islam only stipulated the duty of a fasting during the twenty-four hours of the day ten of the first month of the Islamic calendar, similarly to that which is prescribed (Leviticus, 16:29) to the Jews on the 10th day of their Tishrí month (Yom Kippur War or "Day of the Atonement").
By Distaning himself from the Jews, the Prophet Muhammad continued recommending his practice, which is celebrated during the feast called the box, but will take the obligation of a special month for the Muslims.
View of the Kabounkout mosque in Senegal