The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which we can encompass in civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights is the result of the efforts of the international community to establish a system of protection for their respect, and is the main way to promote peace and limit the abuse of those who use their positions of power and physical violence, structural and symbolic to override, submit and outrage people, communities and entire populations: thus undermines the principle of humanity enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
And so far the heading of the ideal that sought a better world where all people enjoyed the fact of being,with dignity and respect. Year 2021, in which we are in possession and disposition of the highest level of technology, mobility, productivity, scientific knowledge, historical retrospective, access to culture.
And yet we must listen to whether , day too, that here or there have been flagrant violations of human rights : torture and disappearances , mainly in regimes little or nothing democratic ; violence against women of all kinds; armed attacks on each other; access to food denied; access to un guaranteed housing; access to limited education; environmental wounds; a shortage of job opportunities; scapegoated to freedom of expression; repression to love ;p dead.
The string might be very long,but with this sample there is more than enough to realize that wonderful writings and signatory countries are not enough. Compliance with Human Rights is beyond an individual task, an obligation for the rulers representing the signatory countries that must ensure their implementation and application.
Unfortunately we are still far from achieving what remains a desire for now. The humanity that we proclaim even with pride, is often tarnished by all the violations and breaches of these rights that we have supposedly given ourselves together and for all. From the Kassumay Foundation, without naivety and consistently, we will continue to achieve in our closest environment and also around the world ,respect and fulfillment of these rights.
And so far the heading of the ideal that sought a better world where all people enjoyed the fact of being,with dignity and respect. Year 2021, in which we are in possession and disposition of the highest level of technology, mobility, productivity, scientific knowledge, historical retrospective, access to culture.
And yet we must listen to whether , day too, that here or there have been flagrant violations of human rights : torture and disappearances , mainly in regimes little or nothing democratic ; violence against women of all kinds; armed attacks on each other; access to food denied; access to un guaranteed housing; access to limited education; environmental wounds; a shortage of job opportunities; scapegoated to freedom of expression; repression to love ;p dead.
The string might be very long,but with this sample there is more than enough to realize that wonderful writings and signatory countries are not enough. Compliance with Human Rights is beyond an individual task, an obligation for the rulers representing the signatory countries that must ensure their implementation and application.
Unfortunately we are still far from achieving what remains a desire for now. The humanity that we proclaim even with pride, is often tarnished by all the violations and breaches of these rights that we have supposedly given ourselves together and for all. From the Kassumay Foundation, without naivety and consistently, we will continue to achieve in our closest environment and also around the world ,respect and fulfillment of these rights.